Black Panther VS Namor!

In case you haven't been paying attention, things are heating up on Black Panther. The new Panther is trying to figure out who's been behind the Royal Family's recent crises, and the mysterious mastermind has duped her into going head up with Namor, ruler of Atlantis! meanwhile her brother T'Challa (the TRUE King and Black Panther) prepares his army of warrior concubines to bang heads with the forces of Dr. Doom, and Storm battles an unstoppable and unnatural destructive force. I think the Fantastic Four show up too...
anyways, click the cover for a free preview. Black Panther #11 hits stores December 15th. for more Black Panther previews, news, etc go here.


  1. That looks awesome. I really need to catch up on Black Panther. I haven't read much since "The Bride", the new girl Panther looks great.

  2. the new writer has this book humming...
