Comicbook World #40 "Dinosaur-Sized Shark" Attack

Yesterday off of Fish Hoek beach in Cape Town, South Africa, a tourist was suddenly and brutally drug under the surf and carried out to sea by what witnesses have called a "dinosaur-sized shark," according to a story on Discovery News. Perhaps I have watched too many movies read too many books about killer sharks, but this seems like it HAD to happen eventually. in fact, the article by Jennifer Viegas reported that other Great White sharks had been spotted in the area recently and that the waters off this particular beach have been unsafe for a while. Even after the giant shark got his eat on (which the authorities found only a lot of blood and the victims goggles), locals say they still intend to swim there... it's like they're ASKING to be eaten by a shark!

When I read the article I immediately thought of Ross Campbell's self-published comic Mountain Girl, about Iha Naga, the Warrior Princess of the Humungas. In the 2nd issue, Mountain Girl goes head up with Giant Talking Shark Gods like it ain't nothing but a thang... Campbell revisited his love of drawing sharks when he got a gig at DC's ill-fated but fairly awesome Minx imprint, in the more realistic depiction of a shark-attack survivor, Water Baby.
anyways, I have reviewed both books before, so please read more about Mountain Girl here and more about Water Baby here. If you wanna buy Mountain Girl, you'd need to contact Ross on his website (don't worry... he won't bite!) and see if they are still available, but Water Baby is available in bookstores everywhere (i got mine at Borders), and of course on Amazon. if you get either one (or already read 'em), let me know what you thought! in the meantime, watch out for those sharks, fam!


  1. Nice and obscure reference. It's a shame Mountain Girl wasn't in Cape Town yesterday

  2. Indeed...
    that would have been dope!

  3. Oooo.

    Mountain girl looks pretty awesome; like something out of Heavy Metal back in the 80s.

    On a possible related note: Was just listening to Radiolab and at the end segment they mention that a couple of years ago a seal research diver in the Antarctic was dragged to her death by a huge Leopard Seal.

    verification word: Hypechan

  4. yes. as you probably know by now, I think Ross Campbell is the secret ingredient that most comics collections are missing. Mountain Girl is unbelievable! it's ultraviolent, grotesque, and hilarious at the same time! Ross can draw ANYTHING (including shark vs. human martial arts videogame style combat) and make it look good!

  5. Love this kids style.i can always tell its him too.Must be the colors er sumn

  6. yeah,
    as you know, i ADORE Ross's work. not only can he draw great chicks of all shapes, sizes and ethnicities, but he has a mastery of storytelling, and puts the extra mile in with backgrounds and inanimate objects.
