LeSean Takes You to School

that dude LeSean Thomas (Boondocks, CannonBusters, Ben10: Alien Force) breaks down the process of creating comics. In this video, he explains how he prepares his COMIC PAGES using the method of STORYBOARDING/ THUMBNAILING to ROUGH LAYOUT. there's no one way to make comics, but watching how a guy like LeSean breaks things down should be at least entertaining to manga/comics nerds. hope it helps people out as well!


  1. yeah, LeS is a BOSS!

  2. ah thumbnails. The corner stone of every creation. Quality.

  3. DOPE, this has been a major strugle for me. Gng from drawing one image at a time to making sequential images.Thx 4 posting-

  4. you got it Rob!
    yeah, illustrating and making comics are definitely different animals... the more techniques you know to swing from one to another, the better!
