That dude @DaShade goes HOLLYWOOD or something! #ThankYouALot

All the rappers I like are awesome. We have established that, right? But now it looks like Austin-based emcee, action choreographer, and nerd ninja Da'Shade Moonbeam is gonna distinguish himself as the most multi-talentedest rapper I ever heard of by adding actor to his long list of side hustles. It's true! Peep this trailer for Thank You a Lot and TELL ME you didn't feel it like fingers, tough guy...

Marvel doubles down on Miles Morales.

I can't claim to have been the biggest supporter of Miles Morales, the multi-racial replacement for the martyred Ultimate Peter Parker. I haven't bought a single issue he has appeared in, but mostly because his much-celebrated entry into the Ultimate Marvel continuity coincided with my own personal crises. What I (from a distance) initially perceived as a short-lived publicity stunt clearly represents something more going on at Marvel, and in the comics industry in general...

#nowPlaying "BANG!" by Ozay Moore

Just checked out this dude Ozay Moore's high speed rapping on his single Bang! on Soundcloud.  Not bad...

In stores now- PRINCELESS: Short Stories Volume 1

 Trust me. You need to get your hands on this new Princeless Short Stories Volume 1 trade paperback, featuring more stories starring swashbuckling young Princess Adrienne and her friends...

Sisters with natural hair on the cover of Bob Fingerman's MINIMUM WAGE #5 you say?

 This cover to the latest issue of Bob Fingerman's anti-romantic comedy Minimum Wage was just too good to not share. Peep a short preview of the issue and some blahzay blah from me...

#nowPlaying "Rare Chandeliers" by @ActionBronson and The Alchemist

My dude Mike Hawthorne (Deadpool, Conan: Road of Kings, Hysteria, Un-Men and other dope shits) posted this classic collabo between Action Bronson and Alchemist. Don't let your kids hear it... In fact, don't even let 'em see the record cover. It's THAT REAL!!! But yeah, you should check it out...

IN STORES NOW- THE MOVEMENT #12 by @GailSimone and Freddie Williams II

My dude Dwayne sent me copies of the first few issues of the New 52's youthful revolutionary comic The Movement after I wrote an excited preview post.  I really enjoyed 'em. Here's a preview of The Movement #12...

Our friend DISTRAKT colors a model sheet for the new Ralph Bakshi movie...

Emcee, producer and indie animator DISTRAKT dropped this very quick process video from his recent work on the upcoming Bakshi Productions film Last Days of Coney Island. Check it out...


 This cover for Batwing #31 by Dan Panosian is sick. Neither Batwing nor Dan Panosian appear in this preview below, but it's still worth peeping.

Real Deal Comix: "More Rage per Page, More Slaughter for Your Dollar"

Every now and then, someone sends me an email or something complaining about the name GhettoManga, usually suggesting that in creating a magazine and blog with Ghetto in the name I am holding black people back or otherwise sullying our collective image. Since they have probably never bothered to read GhettoManga, they are probably assuming that its contents are more like what you would find in any issue of the long-running ultra-violent underground comix magazine Real Deal...

Wiebe and Upchurch are KILLING IT on RAT QUEENS!!!!

 If we needed more proof that I do not exist in the fantasy universe inhabited by Kurtis Weibe and Roc Upchurch's League of Extraordinary Bad Ass Chicks, look no further than this post-coital preview of Rat Queens #6...

Have y'all been reading X-Factor? This preview of #7 looks fabulous!

 I have to be honest and say I haven't read or even looked at X-factor since it was relaunched. I'm not sure what exactly drew me to check out this preview. Okay, it had a girl with dreadlocks on the cover! I ADMIT IT! Girls with dreads on the cover are irresistible. PLUS, pink. Lots of pink on the cover. Anybody writing this down? Anyways, check out this preview. It's good or something...

WOW! Check out this AWESOME new comic JACK KRAKEN by Tim Seeley and @RossCampbelll!

 So I was browsing the internets looking at previews of all the comics I can't afford to buy, and came across this DOPE monster hero comic JACK KRAKEN by Tim Seeley and Ross Campbell!


Know how you can tell I'm broke? 'Cause I don't have have the first five issues of Hellboy in Hell. Nevertheless, here's a preview of #6...

"Poisonous is my arrow. When you swing your blade, you're gonna hit my shadow..." -Vast Aire

HOLY CRAP! My dude 8 posted this track Sirius Star f/Vast Aire by The Quantum (Bill Cosmiq and Salvador) on the 808 Crate blog and I been bumping it all day!

Denzel Washington is: "THE NIGGA THEY COULDN'T KILL!!!!"

A few days ago, my fellow art dude and GhettoManga contributor Oladele Barr shared the video below where the mighty Denzel Washington talks about a crazy racist movie role he had pitched at him early in his career, and his response, which is quite hilarious...