Most Hated...

the battle of the most Hateds
continues in HULK #2
no comicbook character has more controversy surrounding him lately than Iron Man (well, maybe spiderman... but i don't wanna talk about that...). this time last year, was anybody checking for him? since he spearheaded Superhero Registration that sparked Civil War in the marvel Universe , Tony Stark (now head of S.H.I.E.L.D.) is definitely the most Hated Superhero in the marvel universe. like Dick Chaney, but with better hair... a close second, however is the traditionally most hated hero, the Rampaging Hulk. at the end of the overblown crossover series World War Hulk, they actually dropped a nuke on Hulk! they got Bruce Banner locked up underground, and all's well...
There's just one problem: there is a new Hulk running the streets. he's mean, he's smart, he's RED, and he's gunnin' for Tony in a big way. in HULK #2, this new red Hulk sneaks onto the new SHIELD helicarrier and... lets just say, it doesn't have that new Helicarrier smell anymore! the new HULK series is by Jeph Loeb and Ed Mcguinness, last seen together monthly on Batman/Superman. i've decided Loeb is at his best with McGuinness. his work on this book is head and shoulders better than on Ultimates 3, where he seems to be struggling to get the right tone for the characters and superstar artist Joe Madureira. former Joe Mad knockoff Ed McGuinness has long since grown into a star in his own right, and he has just the right style for Loeb's kinda goofy/kinda serious writing... while they are struggling to get it right on Ultimates, HULK is just right!
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