Deviant of the Day #100 (plus some rambling, after the jump)

Sexica and Turkey by Brandon Graham aka RoyalBoiler... 
so I went on a totally procrastinatory dive into Brandon Graham's (King City, Multiple Warheads, Pillow Fight) DeviantArt gallery last night. I was probably in there for an hour and a half, while i SHOULD have been working. That's the bad news. The good news is I came out super energized!
King City Board Game by Brandon Graham....
Drawing everyday can become drudgery if I'm not careful, and the little bit o' money I make for it is generally spent before I make it. Brandon's comics and art are infused with the philosophy that helps sustain me as a professional artist. To paraphrase something he said once: My job is not just creating comics, but staying in love with creating comics. He definitely remembers to put the love in... and looking at this stuff helps me stay focused on what I need to do as I take these next steps in my career as a funnybook drawer. As another creative monster I admire, emcee extraordinaire C- Rayz Walz said "I do this for the old corny reason: LOVE, motherfucka!"
that's what's up...


  1. A fine chick, and an elephant. It's got it all.

  2. if you click the link and read the whole post, there is a King City board game AND some cut-out game pieces!

