Iron Man 2 is gonna be HARD!

okay, I caught this trailer to Iron Man 2 this weekend. It's gonna be hard...
They are doing a great job of revealing lots of teaser stuff without spoiling the plot (assuming there is one). I'm thinking they're going for an Armor Wars type story... we'll see how they handle it.


  1. It does look pretty badass. Looks like Mickey Rourke has found a new niche playing scary scarred-up guys.

    But, it cracks me up that the Iron Man suit, which would be made with the highest of high-tech alloys has a mask that clanks like the door of my 1977 Vermont Castings woodstove.

  2. yeah, i guess a quieter sound would be more accurate for such high-tech machinery, but the clanking sounds help make it all feel more IRON!

  3. Yeah, I guess you're right.

    Carbon Fiber/Titanium/Kevlar Mesh Weave Man just doesn't roll off of the tongue.

  4. yeah it wouldn't clank...but it's hard. It's like the period to a sentence. The clank says "IRON MAN."
