Play Misty for me...

I just read a cool blog post on retroactive continuity with Misty Knight (of Power Man and Iron Fist fame) and Spider-Man. The story talks about the first meeting of the two characters, as chronicled in Marvel Team-Up # 63-64 by retcon masters Chris Claremont and John Byrne. The post was written by Brian Cronin on CBR, and you can check it out here.
Of course, my main reason for posting this was the opportunity to talk about Misty Knight, a great character who I first learned of as a love interest to Marvel's kung fu hero the immortal Iron Fist and eventually got to know her as a superhero in her own right.
In addition to packing the steel, she also sports a cyborg arm, and is not above touching a joker around his eye sockets with either if the situation warrants it!
Misty was a longtime supporting character in comic books such as X-Men and Power Man and Iron Fist (both written by Claremont); she also had a major role in the Souls of Cyber-Folk story arc from the classic Deathlok series of the early 90's. Misty starred, longside her samurai sword packing private detective partner Colleen Wing, in Daughters of the Dragon, a 2005 story by Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti and penciller Khari Evans. 
From what I hear, she and Danny Rand are engaged and expecting a baby, but I'm hoping she gets her own book again. She's one of the realest sisters in the Marvel stable, and I'd love to see her kick more butt...


  1. Misty is the realest. If I did a comic with her, it would be EPIC!

  2. I just finished the epic Immortal Iron Fist book. Pretty good and, of course, Luke Cage and Misty are quite prominent.

  3. NICE! I need to get my hands on that... I liked the issues of Immortal Iron Fist that I've read.
