So Fresh, So Clean...

Cliff Steele by Hyperjack
I joined a sketch group on Deviant Art that I actually participate in on occasion... one of the reason I joined was this dude Hyperjack. This cat is straight-jacket crazy! Sketch groups are good to give me something to draw to warm up, but most of my warm-ups are wack or just not finished enough to show, but Hyperjack is one of these dudes whose sketches are dope enough to put on your wall...

The group posts a new subject everyday, Monday through Friday for members to draw, and encourages submitting whatever you have, even if it's not done. They discourage critiques, so you don't have to spend the whole day defending an unfinished hand or whatever. It's good to keep yourself sharp. I'm sure I wouldn't have bothered, except I was so enamored with Hyperjack's stuff. He also pointed out that the sketch challenge led him to draw lots of characters he loved (like Cloak and Dagger, shown here) but had never taken the time to draw before. It really takes the pressure off. anyways, if you have a minute, check out this dude's gallery on dA. If not, don't worry... I'm sure I'll show some more of his work.


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