Happy Cinco De Mayo... from MACHETE!!!!

Happy Cinco De Mayo, fam! As my long-time readers know, I'm in full geek mode for the Robert Rodriguez splatterfest Machete starring Danny Trejo. So much so that upon hearing that the Grindhouse mock trailer was being made into a real movie with a star-studded b-list cast (peep the new trailer below), I went out and drew this picture of Trejo as Machete.

People who bought the last issue of GhettoManga Quarterly already know I would love to buy an awesome comic based on this movie (hell, I would love to DRAW an awesome comic based on this movie!), which I featured in the debut of my Movies That Should Be Comics column... but I may have to settle for just buying the film. Machete will hit DVD/BluRay players everywhere (including mine) in September!


  1. LOL! I don't believe this. And "Introducing, Don Johnson." LOL.

  2. Trivializing important issues is what 'sploitation movies (be they Blaxploitation, Mexploitation, or just sExploitation) are all about!

    doesn't matter how long it is, cuz it's direct-to-dvd... fast-forward FTMFW!

    I can't wait. I never saw black dynamite either, but when I do, you'll know it, cuz that's a review fa sho!
