PREVIEW ART for POWER MAN #1 is here

my dude Wallrus at BlackSuperhero Fan was the first to mention to me anything about Marvel creating a new teen superhero using the name Power Man (y'know, since Luke Cage isn't using it anymore). Now I repatriated this art by Mahmud Asrar (Dynamo 5) from ComicBook Resources for you... so check out this Shadowland: Powerman preview art and tell me what you think

As the title implies, this is part of the Shadowland storyline where Daredevil and the Hand have banned superheroes in Hell's Kitchen. The story involves the street level heroes like Moon Knight, (of course) Luke Cage & Iron Fist and more. To peep an interview with series writer Fred Van Lente, click here. anyways, look for Shadowland: Powerman #1 in stores August 18th.


  1. I don't know. Maybe I'm just too nostalgic for Luke Cage. I mean, his costume wasn't astounding or anything, but it was more badass and less Teen Titan Auxilliary.

    Or, PM's old outfit was worn by a man with something to prove and a healthy chip on his shoulder, the new outfit is worn by a kid who wants to look cool and fit in.

  2. this looks hot....can't wait for August

  3. Anonymous4:44 PM CDT

    Definitely a dream sequence.

    Interior looks fine. The cover doesn't move me. Makes me think about how much I've grown out of traditional serial superhero books.

    I hope this story is so compelling that I end up eating my words.


  4. "Makes me think about how much I've grown out of traditional serial superhero books"

    I get that feeling a lot, although I haven't really outgrown superheroes, I just think the books cost too much...

    Introducing new characters is tricky, because there's always the push and pull of nostalgia versus the supposed demand for change.
