In Stores Now: "C of Tranquility" by Can I Bus

CaniBus's new album C of Tranquility is in stores now...

CanIbus is one of these emcees you love or hate... I almost always enjoy his rhymes. Is he perfect? No. But I love his aggressive, overloaded lines. If this youTube sampler for C of Tranquility is any indication, I need to cop this one. If I do, I will let you know what I thought!



  1. Yeah, I agree with you on Canibus. He's not perfect but he' really, really, really good.
    I love what he does with his rhymes and overall wordplay. I could care less if there are many people who think he's corny or his beats are wack, he's very interesting.

  2. I've learned you can't win an argument about Canibus. The criticisms about him are true, but ultimately he's an example of the pros outweighing the cons for me. I mean, who else is gonna rhyme "galaxy of Andromeda" with "unexplained phenomena"..?

  3. I'm still a huge Canibus fan. I think the reason some people don't get him is that his rhymes are too busy; especially on those 100 bar joints he drops now and then. He says so much hard stuff, that each line is lost in a sea of hard lines.

    "I jump into costume/and ride through/just to rob you/put the barrel to your eyeball, tell you what not to do/pull ya tonsils out through your nostrils/bury you next to shark fossils/make it impossible to find you/at depths Jaque Coustaue himself wouldn't dare to dive to/with goggles, oxygen bottles and Doppler effect modules." I think that's a good example.
