Cage get the Money like...

I recently bought a copy of Essential Luke Cage Vol 1, mainly because I had a great article about Luke Cage's debut submitted for the GhettoManga Quarterly Luke Cage tribute issue, and I needed some scans to go with it. Not being familiar with those early Cage stories, I was surprised how good a read the book is...

Having an "Almost Neva Was" Kinda Day

hope you're having a good Sonday... as for me, I just put my daughter down for a nap, and I'm watching the OKC-Miami game, bumping that Almost Neva Was by the mighty Empress Stahhr...

Tracy Morgan + Live TV = NO!

Tracy Morgan's gives his fair and unbiased opinion of former half-term Alaskan governor and possible presidential candidate Sarah Palin on TNT's NBA Pregame Show...

IN STORES NOW- PROOF: Endangered #1 & 2

You guys may remember how gonzo I was for the GhettoManga Award-winning Image comic PROOF, the story of secret agent John Prufrock, the world's best-dressed Sasquatch. Original creative team Alex Grecian and Riley Rossmo return with a new story arc that finds Proof alone and on the run, hunted by the very government he once worked for. As you'll see in the preview pages from issues 1 and 2 below, this series will delve deeper into Proof's past, which goes back to colonial times...

Scream Phoenix...

yeah, I drew some Phoenix Jones fan art...

Stokoe's working on a "Wanton Soup" Spinoff?

That dude James Stokoe (Orc Stain, Wonton Soup) had a grip of Wonton Soup: War pages completed, but the book is not likely to be seen anytime soon, so he dropped it on the internet, 'cause that's how he rolls

PREVIEW: Thunderbolts # 152

I love Thunderbolts. It's pro'lly my favorite Marvel comic.If you like Luke Cage, this is definitely a book you should be reading...

"Fire for Effect" by James Stokoe

more senseless sex and violence from James Stokoe (Wonton Soup , Orc Stain). click pages to enlarge!

John Henry concept art by Jose Holder

John Henry was my favorite fable growing up, so when I saw Jose Holder's concept art for an updated version he's working on, I knew I would want to share them here on GhettoManga...

start the day off RIGHT w/ Hieroglyphics

Start the day with some new Hiero, via the miracle of Soundcloud

In Stores Now: RPM #2 by Mick Foley and Jose Holder

I don't know how I let 12 Gauge Comics' RPM #1 get by me... sorry 'bout that. Here's some preview art from issue #2...


 You all know we here at GhettoManga headquarters pay mad homage to the world's most infamous rapping supervillain, the mighty MF DOOM, so you can probably imagine how badly I want to get my hands on this MF DOOM Lunchbox. I gotta HAVE this joint, and money's kinda tight, so tuck your chains...

"Blackguard" -Making Stereotypes look Good?

When Will and Jerrod Smith decided to create a super team, they knew they didn't quite want to do a straight superhero book. So they created a scenario wherein a civil-rights era superhero is resurrected and takes four supervillains and attempts to reform them. The result is the action comedy webcomic Blackguard...

Keep an eye out for Dayne Henry

 Dayne Henry also known as Romidion is one of the talented underground cartoonists that I'm always checking for. He's nice with it whether flexing traditional or digital, so get familiar

Robophobic #13 -Congratulations! You're a Cyborg

If you are reading this (and you know you are) you are a cyborg. Also, it is probable that without meaning to, you created a wormhole today. Please use your power for good, not evil

Comicbook World #52- Phoenix Jones & the Rain City Superhero Movement

You pro'lly think the dudes who hang out at your comic shop are kinda weird... but I'm thinkin' they got nothin' on this brotha Phoenix Jones, leader of the Rain City Superhero Movement...

I know Everyboody Hates John Byrne, but STILL...

This sequence from John Byrne's Next Men #2 had me dying!

Are You feeling the NEW HEROES FOR HIRE?

 I have a good feeling about the new Heroes for Hire series, even though it doesn't star Luke Cage, the original Hero-for-Hire (he's in enough books right now, I guess...). The new team has a new premise, wherein H4H alum Misty Knight acts as a handler of heroes she hand-picks for missions as she sees fit. "I'm owed a lotta favors by some useful people..." Knight says in Heroes for Hire #1 "I figured it was time I got creative..." I posted up some preview pages from the first couple issues below, so you could geek out with me...

In stores NOW! KING #2

The creative team that brought you Robot 13 returns with King #2, the ongoing adventures of everyone's favorite Elvis impersonator/ retired pro wrestler/ monster-killer-for-hire!

PREVIEW-STARBORN by Stan Lee, Chris Roberson and Khary Randolph

For the record, the first issue of Stan Lee's sci-fi comic Starborn  was dope. If this 11 page preview is any indication (doesn't it have to be?) then #2 is gonna push the bar into the red...

PREVIEW- Black Panther: Man Without Fear #514

 Here's some preview pages to Black Panther: Man Without Fear #514. Feel free discuss amongst yourselves...


 Anyone else think it's funny that I did my first ever Steel fan art almost exactly one month before DC drops a new Steel one-shot by Steve Lyons (Dead Men Walking) and Ed Benes (Justice League of America: The Second Coming)? Somebody pass my info to the bosses over at DC, 'cause I don't believe in coincidences... plus, I got bills. So anyways, here's some preview pages...

In stores now: Daredevil Reborn #1

 Here's the first few pages to Daredevil: Reborn #1. Enjoy...

Uhura speaks...

Here's some great video of Nichelle Nichols speaking casually at the 2008 EAST COAST BLACK AGE OF COMICS CONVENTION in Philly. She builds on her brief stint in Blaxploitation, her iconic role on Star Trek, and her run-in with MLK. You can catch Ms. Nichols as one of the featured guests at the Women of Sci-Fi Convention coming up at the end of the month in the north Dallas... but for now, peep this clip

Want some Free reefer?

I just noticed yesterday that there's new episodes of my boy Josh Boulet's action comedy smash The Green Reefer available FREE on the internet (for medicinal purposes of course), which will appeal to anyone who would like to read a comic best described as "The Tick meets Cheech & Chong" (who wouldn't).

PREVIEW: Bring the Thunder #1 & 2

 Pulled these preview pages for the first couple issues of Dynamite Entertainment's new book Bring The Thunder off of CBR.

Start the day off w/ODDISEE & co.

I first heard of Oddisee in 2010 when one of my Twitter peoples put me on... All-around nice hip hop cat... here's A Year In which features all the songs he was on (rhymes and/or beats) in 2010

Milk is chillin'...

here's some dope art from Arizona bad girl/designer/illustrator MILK, snatched (with love) from the blog...

This is why I ♥ Brandon Graham

"As much as I understand a lot of books just arent worth getting in monthly chunks... I'm trying to make stuff to be read in issues."
-Brandon Graham

Start the YEAR off Right w/LyricsBorn, DEL & Pigeon John

Happy New Year, fammo! For my particular brand of rap nerd, Lyrics Born, Del the Funky Homosapien, Dan the Automator and Pigeon John would make the illest rap supergroup EVER...