Stokoe's working on a "Wanton Soup" Spinoff?

That dude James Stokoe (Orc Stain, Wonton Soup) had a grip of Wonton Soup: War pages completed, but the book is not likely to be seen anytime soon, so he dropped it on the internet, 'cause that's how he rolls

I admit it: Stokoe has grabbed me by the throat and won't let go! I read the first Wonton Soup OGN* awhile back. It was exceptionally fun and well-drawn. Stokes' love of drawing alien creatures is translating into a love of reading them for me. Stokoe has a tendency to draw very down-to-earth sci-fi and fantasy, if that makes sense... 
love it!
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  1. Sweet. Good to see stuff like that being created. Man, we need a revival of Heavy Metal with Stokoe on the cover of the premier issue.

  2. I hope I can get my act together... I would love to have his work in my magazine someday.
