PREVIEW: Astonishing X-Men #36 by Daniel Way and Jason Pearson

Let's face it, Jason Pearson on X-Men is reason enough to do a double-take, but this wrap around cover is poster material...

 anyways, here's the sales pitch:
Not all monsters are easy to spot -- some of them live among us, undetected or long forgotten. Some of them live inside us, in the dark corners of our hearts, feeding on our secret fears of loss. But in the Marvel Universe, most of them live on Monster Island. Or, at least, they did. A mysterious exodus is underway; monsters spilling onto nearby shores – with catastrophic results – and it falls upon a small group of X-Men to both save the population from destruction and to solve an imposing riddle: What are monsters afraid of? New series writer Daniel Way (Deadpool, Uncanny X-force) is joined by superstar artist Jason Pearson (Body Bags)to bring you a widescreen, mega blockbuster story filled with classic Kirby monsters, heart-stopping revelations and over-the-top action!

Ouch... yeah, I don't know why Cyclops thinks this girl's power is any less offensive than Wolverine's or Collossus. Super-strength and body armor makes for pretty good combatant... just needs training and the right motivation, as this preview shows! This looks pretty good, but Emma looks like a vampire... not sure if I like that or not yet. Don't know if I've ever seen Pearson under an inker before... Looks a lot less Pearsony... but Pearson and Karl Story is a nice art combo too! Anyways, this will be in stores on February 23rd, so be advised.



  1. I like the inks; nice and clean. I like Emma, too. Nice and icy.

  2. When dose this come out, or is it out already?

  3. dropping this coming Wednesday!

  4. The art is sweet! I'll second Corance's ink comment and add that don't see clean inks like that much these days (and not with such solid, non-copied-from-photos pencils).

    That said, While I've been a Marvel Mutants fan since the eighties a big part of me is like "Oh. Another X-Men mag. Neat. Yawn"

  5. yeah, Marvel has done a lot to keep me from being all that interested in their big ticket characters lately.

    I'm a big Pearson fan, so that my trump my current indifference to the goings-on of the X-tribe.

    And I think Emma looks mad old in this sequence, like she's getting her cougar on with Cyclops...

  6. The White Cougar™?

  7. yes there have been plenty janky Xs out there. I'm a big Parson fan as well. I have to say though, I'm diggin' The Uncanny X-Force so far.

    I'm trying to figure out this Phantomex cat

  8. Our boy John Lucas inked Uncanny X-force, you know...

    I hear good things about that book. Daniel Way who writes Uncanny X-force is also writing this arc of Astonishing.

    Gavin "Gavok" Jasper wrote a cool post about Deadpool's role in UXF that contrasts Deadpool and Fantomex on 4th Letter:
