the Ofloda Monster strikes again!

One of my favorite internet friends, California zine master Ofloda Monstro, sent me a packet full of cool zines he made along with a hand-lettered note on the back of a note card...

My favorite was the 10 page comic he drew starring his daughter Isabel, who explained how much she l♥ves video games. She gave out copies of the comic at school as Valentine's Day gifts. I hope the kids liked them, but I know I got a serious kick out of them.

Even the envelope they came in was cool! The front featured a drawing of the mighty MF DOOM, and inside there was a little plastic bag with all three zines and the note inside. I should have scanned them all for you, but I didn't feel like it... hopefully he'll post them on his blog at some point. I doubt that he was thinking about my birthday (I still think Pharoahe Monch dropped his album yesterday JUST for me!), but it came at just the right time anyways!
*don't worry if you forgot! I will be observing the "Samax Amen Appreciation Festival" all week! Feel free to buy yourself something nice for my birthday!
comics. hiphop. news. art. culture


  1. I'm really glad you enjoyed the package Samax. I got the date saved for next year. I won't forget. ^-^ Happy Birthday Fam!!!

  2. Awesome! Dope stuff, dude!

  3. Thanks for sharing the package Samax. The Samax Amen Appreciation Festival sounds like a great event.

    Happy Birthday!
