What kind of car does Phoenix Jones Drive?

A Mustang of course! The de facto leader of the Rain City Superhero Movement made no comments about what he has under the hood (so to speak), but he did say that it isn't registered to him, so no need to worry about the secret I.D. for now...
There's been a lot more fan commotion about Phoenix since he attended Emerald City Comicon and did that NPR interview I posted last week. I will post the quality stuff I find out there, like this joint by Varun Sankhe. If you have good photos or fan art, email 'em to me at phoenixReport@ghettoManga.com and I'll post the good stuff here on the blog... maybe I'll do a feature on him in my print magazine GhettoManga Quarterly at some point (especially if I can get an interview). We'll see. Anyways, it's good to see that Phoenix has a nice whip (I figured him for a motorcycle guy myself). And the car's not registered to him? Maybe he took my advice and got a rich benefactor after all...
[EDIT: click here to get a print of my fan art Dark Phoenix Jones]


  1. I would have figured motorcycle, too. Easier to hide in a city.

    A big, yellow and black Mustang? Well, not so easy.

    Plus, it's easier to follow home, which makes for a not-so-secret lair.

    Sill, I hope he gives out cans of whoop-ass to evil-doers and does not receive them.

  2. My thinking exactly!

  3. Is it me, or does Pheonix Jones get cooler the more we learn about him?

  4. LOL! Yeah, definitely!

  5. dammit!! if i'd known Phoenix would be at ECCC i would've gone! :(
