"Comics comes from graffiti", "Style is a capitalist invention" and other cool stuff Art Spiegelman says

Here's a cool interview where alt-comics juggernaut Art Spiegelman (Maus, Jack and the Box) drops all kindsa fresh quotable snippets o' thought for you to disagree with...

yup. This five minute and change is a fine bit of fun-filled youTubery, unless you're not interested in Spiegs' views on the art world that (of course) includes comics. Feel free to argue about it in the comments!



  1. I agree with him about comics being best understood as literature, not so much as visual art. Otherwise we can fall victim to Travis Charest syndrome.

    I also share his suspicion of high culture. You find the innovation and creativity among the lepers and the lames.

  2. Poor Travis. He gets knocked on the head a lot. He has worked with a ton of poor writers. No one complained about his work when Moore was writing it.


    the separation between "high" and "low" culture is an artificial one. Just another way for people to feel better than one another.

    Both high and low art have their own goals and measures of success. The most common mistake is trying to measure an artist's work's value by another artist's goals. The most important thing we can do is understand the goals and expectations the artist has set for the work.
