PREVIEW: Dziva Jones Cover art

 Here's Stanley Weaver Jr's cover art for Aminah Armour's comic about the bodyguard and crimefighter with the brickhouse frame, Dziva Jones. Peep the pencils below...

Weaver (Street Team) is the cover artist for the four issue series (this is the cover to #3, I think), which is written by Armour with art by Ashley A. Woods (Millenia War). The first issue of Dziva Jones is already out. You can click here for a SWEET 3 page preview, or just go cop it on Indyplanet! I will keep you posted on new Dziva Jones news when I get it, and write you a review of the comic once I get my hands on it!


  1. Love this art. Your site really made me want to buy this comic. I got the first issue in the mail yesterday. I was not disappointed!! I cant wait for the second issue. Thanks!

  2. No problem, Erica! Glad I could help!
