new Green Reefer, daily!

My friend and yours, the mighty Josh Boulet, will be dropping a brand new page of his pothead superhero comedy The Green Reefer:The Movie every day for the month of September.

As you might suspect, The Green Reefer: The Movie is the biggest, most action-packed Green Reefer story yet, and it's also hilarious (and I read it sober). It's exciting to see Josh return to this stoner epic, as the Green Reefer and Six Pack face off with their arch enemy Derrick Hand.  Since you maaay be experiencing memory loss, go ahead and click here to read part one, laugh yourself to sleep, then wake up and click here to read part two. While you're clicking, go to the GF blog and subscribe to it so's you wont miss the updates of the new pages!
In case you're new to this, hit this, rookie!