"Pushing Up Daisies" a one page comic by Josh Boulet

My dude Josh Boulet (The Green Reefer, The Wrong Night in Texas) did the one pager below, which was accepted for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund benefit anthology Deadly Tales: One and Done. As usual, he did a great job!

I'm so happy for my man Josh, whose story If I was Dick ran in the magazine a while ago (you can cop the issue here). He's a seriously laid back and humble dude, and probably the hardest working cartoonist I know (and I know a lot of them). He writes and draws in every genre, and if you turn your back on him for a second, he drops a new comic on you! I'm not sure when the Deadly Tales: One and Done benefit anthology drops, but when I do, I'll let you know! In the meanwhile, click here to visit Josh's website.
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