Download the new Battlemasterz Motion Comic "Back in the Day"

Those DORMWORLD dudes recently dropped a fresh motion comic for their hip hop martial arts hero comic Battlemasterz! Peep...

click the pic to download the motion comic, or click here to watch it on DeviantArt.
While we're talking about Battlemasterz, I found Battlemasterz #0 on Indyplanet... here's some preview pages:

 After you download the motion comic, bounce over to Indyplanet and cop this comic. It also looks like they have two more joints available at their website, Battlemasterz #1 and Battlemasterz: Back in the Day #1, so check out these covers:

Click here to go to DormWorld Comics' website and order these joints!



  1. As a documenter of the constant flux and evolution of comics/manga and their effects on the global artist world, I find GhettoMANGA to be a very interesting, vital even, development... Please keep up the great work and if you haven't already, you might want to consider contacting TokyoPop re: translation for Japanese audiences... worth a thought!

  2. Thanks! I never really considered that!
