PREVIEW- Batwing #2

 Take a gander at reboot noob Batwing #2

Here's the Sales Pitch:
He is called Massacre, and he brings death. What does the soldier in service of Batman Incorporated do when he's met his match? When he's been brought so low and been wounded so badly? What does he do when lost Super Heroes begin turning up as victims? Batwing fights back!

I'm not sure I want to read about an African superhero who takes marching orders from a white American billionaire, but if I did, I would definitely buy this. It's beautifully illustrated and it's written by Judd Winnick, who was on The Real World, which means it must be good, right? So yeah, this issue is in stores now, so pick it up and judge for yourself, tough guy!
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  1. @DwainIBe10:54 PM CDT

    This is one of the few second issues I will be grabbing from the whole 52 relaunch nonsense. It's interesting how Judd can write such a strong character here and completely drop the ball with Catwoman.

  2. Just be patient... Judd is buttering up his fingers as we speak! LOL! Nah, I hope he does a good job. Like I said, I haven't really checked for this.
