Help us choose the cover to the next issue!

Nah, you didn't miss it... I'm still putting together the Undead Celebs issue of GhettoManga Quarterly, and I could use your help. Vote on which of these versions of Howard Russell's Thriller cover you like better...

Dope, right? Howard smashed the art on this cover (as well as the Thriller short comic he did as a tribute to the late King of Pop that appears in this issue... but that's a whole 'nother thing), so I figure I can't miss... peep the poll on the blog sidebar and let your opinion be known.

Anyways, I promise the issue will be done soon. If you wanna buy a 4 issue subscription to GhettoManga Quarterly (and get 4 issues for the price of 3), just click here. Thanks for voting!



  1. That is a sweet cover!

    Don't make Undead Michael angry.

    I totally spaced on my Carl Sagan, dangit

    Verification word: incyt. A corporate boy band with a 'punk' edge.

  2. I prefer the black back-ground. Gives it more weight.

  3. @Arkonbey- LOL! Incyt's self-titled first album was pretty good, but they went Hollywood after that...

    Thanks for the votes, guys!

  4. I voted, but just wanted to say I think the darkness of the characters goes better with the white background.Good contrast.

  5. Thanks fam! I appreciate the vote and feedback!

  6. I don't know how I feel about the title color to the white one. I like it better, because of the negative space provided.

  7. Thanks for chiming in, fam! We'll talk about it later.

  8. Anonymous7:06 PM CST

    Title's pretty hard to read on the black one, so if you go with that, you might want to adjust the title a bit. Otherwise, I'd go with the white one!

