Graphic Novel review: "WORLD OF HURT: The Thrill Seekers"

Yup. The World of Hurt: The Thrill Seekers" hardcover is every bit as awesome as you've dreamed it would be. And I got my copy last week...
No, I didn't get two copies... I vicked the pic off the World of Hurt website since the camera on my phone is gahbage. Anyways, for those who don't know, World of Hurt: The Thrill-Seekers stars Pastor Hurt, the problem solver who investigates the murder of a young girl when the sorry ass PO-lice didn't bother. Of course, this is blaxploitation, so Pastor also rocks a leisure suit, checks jaws and beds top-shelf chicks for sport, ya dig?
Jay Potts is not a household name in comics, but he should be. If there's any justice to this funnybook shit (and I'm not saying there is), he WILL be.  Whatever the case, Jay is killing it with his webcomic, but this was really fun to read in print. Some webcomics read poorly in print, but Potts' writing is mad sharp, avoiding that herky-jerky feel poorly constructed webcomics can have.
So my point is The Thrill Seekers gets the thumbs up. Jay is obviously a huge fan of Blaxploitation AND a student of the medium of comics, creating the best amalgamation of the two I've ever seen in print. I got my copy because I was among those wise and insightful enough to help him raise money to print the thing, which is not in stores yet. Potts has said he will make the hardcover available in the World of Hurt online store soon, and I recommend you get your hands on it as soon as possible.


  1. Fantastic! I'll have to save some pennies to get me one!


  2. Anonymous9:38 AM CST

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