"Go HARD or go HOME, Aqualad!!!" -Batman (yes, I'm paraphrasing...)

You know, Batman's kinda got an attitude problem...
Here's the Sales Pitch:
In Star City, Artemis is under arrest -- and in Gotham City, it’s Clayface vs. the rest of the team in a battle they cannot win! Aqualad’s leadership is on the line, and a fateful choice must be made.

I'm not gonna start a rant about how this is a whole team of super-powered heroes that can't beat a Batman villain, because what I really want to say is I really like Aqualad! When I initially saw the promo art for the new Teen Titans Young Justice cartoon, I was a little bit irked by his Cisco hairdo and blue eyes, but the character reflects the stoic warrior badass of Peter David's Aquaman run. By the end of the show's first episode, I was pulling for him... of course, it was clear that in some ways they are setting him up to fall... foreshadowing the predestined ascendance of Robin to team leader when he's ready.
yeah, I wrote a review of the Young Justice pilot. Click here to read it
As a result of that bit of obvious foreshadowing, it's hard to believe in Aqualad as a leader. No matter how many times he saves the day, I'm always expecting him to finally eff things up so Robin can show he's not just a moody douchebag. This dynamic as much as any other has lead me to watching the show only sporadically. In my heart, I just don't wanna see them do my boy Aqualad wrong! But this is about the comic, right? I enjoyed this preview, teamwork FAIL and all. Christopher Jones does an admirable job imitating the style of the cartoon so that there's no style shock for fans of the show who try the comic.
Anyways, Young Justice #13 is in stores now. I just hope they don't do my boy wrong...

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little late to this post... okay a lot late but I did find this line funny,

    "By the end of the show's first episode... it was clear that in some ways they are setting him up to fall... foreshadowing the predestined ascendance of Robin to team leader when he's ready."

    Maybe it's just me but I never got that impression, I always liked Kaldur and you could tell he was being set up to be the leader from episode 1. Hell even Season 2 you could tell that he was still a force to be reckoned with. It's funny that Robin never became leader, Nightwing did but only for season 2 and Kaldur was restored by the end.

    Somewhat off tangent but seeing him now I wonder if someone in the YJ production was a huge fan of Cybord 009 because he very much looks like Pyunma, Cyborg 008, later design.
