PEEP THIS! "Hip Hop Family Tree" by the mighty @EdPiskor

Bottom line? That dude Ed Piskor is beating the game up right now. If there's any justice to this whole funnybook shit (and I'm not saying there is), son will be rolling in dough before he kicks...

This is an episode from Piskor's unfolding graphic history of hip hop Hip Hop Family Tree. He took my brain by storm with his graphic examination of the comics/hip hop connection, and now I see he is quietly cataloging  the history of my beloved culture in my most beloved storytelling medium! Since the visual style of early hip hop culture has taken over young hipsters, this book will likely strike a chord with young people in a major way. Plus, old(ish) heads like me will eat this up, too.
Until the physical book is ready for the for real world, Piskor is dropping the pages on the internets so you can get (re)fired up on a regular basis. Click here to get caught up on your history.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but I am crazy geeking for this shit! Piskor is quietly (I guess. Maybe he's loud?) creating an IMPORTANT library-worthy graphic history, that just so happens to be dope too. Take a bow Ed... then get back to the effing drawing table!


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