PREVIEW- "Girl&Boy" a Vigilante Romance Comic by Andrew Tunney

This dude Andrew Tunney followed GhettoManga on Twitter this morning, so I checked out his website, which had a preview of his vigilante romance comic Girl&Boy on it... If the preview art is any indication, this dude is DOPE! Peep the preview below...

Here's the Sales Pitch:
The debut, independent, creator-owned comic from UK artist Andrew Tunney.

Set in Manchester, England it charts the relationship of two young lovers;

one called Girl, the other called Boy.

Yeah... son is onto something. Click here to order a digital copy of Girl&Boy, so you can say you read it before Tunney got snapped up by the majors and became a household name. Physical copies are coming soon enough I'm sure...


  1. YUP! I've read the book (copped the download), and it's AWESOME!! I'm gonna contact this dude and interview him...

  2. It's good. Hoping to see more from this cat!

  3. Looking forward to the interview (if you get it)

    This looks interesting. I think I'll download it soon.

  4. Yeah... I'm definitely gonna try. Time is a rare commodity, but I want to pick dude's brain!
