Rap Avatar #2: Vast Aire

Here's a new drawing of one of my favorite emcees, the mighty Vast Aire. I drew it with Adobe Illustrator. I was joking around with my friend Adofo geeking out on looney Vast Aire lyrics and decided I needed to channel that energy into some art...

click to enlarge, tough guy!
If I ever get the opportunity, I'm  definitely gonna interview Vast for my magazine GhettoManga Quarterly (no, it doesn't come out quarterly yet... I'm still working on it!) because as I've said before Vast epitomizes what we're about here... Anyways, you are welcome to download and post up this as your wallpaper on your device of choice; and PLEASE click here for more Vast Aire!


  1. I'd like more from the hands but his head is awesome!

    Very subtle expression created with so little material. Nice use of gradients, too.

    I also dig the pants cuff wrinkle and seam. It really adds a lot

  2. Thanks. I went back and forth on whether to push the hands. I wanted to stay cartoony as I could. Could'a went either way though...
