PREVIEW- "Infernal Man-Thing" #3 by Steve Gerber & Kevin Nowlan

Man-Thing #3 cover art by the mighty Art Adams

Yeah... I don't know where they're going with that. Anyways, If you bought the first two, you have to buy this one (that's the rule!) so for your information, Infernal Man-Thing #3 drops August 29th.



  1. 1) I command the universe to provide me with more awesome Art Adams work!

    2) Someone once pointed out to me that "Infernal Man-thing" sounds like a euphemism for a part of the male anatomy and I can't stop reading it as such.

    3) and now neither can you :)

  2. Are you kidding? I have ALWAYS thought Man-thing was the skeeviest name ever! I usually call it "the unfortunately named" Man-thing or something of the sort, but just got tired of coming up wwith new modifiers once the character got in Thunderbolts requiring me to talk about it frequently.

    In other news: Art Adams ROOLZ!
