Preview- "Freelancers: Tiny Fighters" by Felipe Smith

Felipe Smith has been back from Japan for awhile. Doing covers and what-not. But it didn't feel like he was REALLY back until I read this Tiny Fighters preview.

"Bitch, I need a break!"
What was I saying? Oh yeah, Felipe... It feels weird reading something by him that he didn't write. Anyways, Tiny Fighters is a back up story in the BOOM! Studios book Freelancers#1, which is in stores now. I don't have it, so I'm not sure how long a story Tiny Fighters is, but it was a treat to find these. For all my fellow Deviants, check out more of Felipe's art in his shiny new DeviantArt gallery.



  1. I picked up the comic a week or two ago. Didn't read it yet but good to see his work out there.

  2. Glad to know I'm not the only person who takes forever to read his comics...

    Yeah, I would be about 20x more fired up about Freelancers if Felipe was drawing it.
