Scream Phoenix #3- Phoenix Jones KNOCKS a motherf*cker OUT while cops WATCH

Apparently, in Washington it is perfectly legal to fight as long as both combatants agree. So this dude picks a fight with Rain City Superhero Movement point-man Phoenix Jones, and well...

I so wish the camera dude could have gotten closer... I would have paused it to do my drawing. So what did we learn? If you meet a dude who walks around dressed like a superhero, don't challenge him to a fight? Make sure he's not a freaking Mixed Martial Artist? Look at it this way: At least it wasn't Batman...

I think it is pretty cool that the one dude wants to fight at the end but Phoenix says no. I have no reason to believe it was fear of losing that motivated him to walk away, but  whatever it was, it just made him seem more badass. Like, "yeah, I lullabied your boy already, kick rocks..." 
Maybe the other dude will come back later as a supervillain or something. Keep challenging Phoenix to take him on. Whatever the case, stay away from mud pits, that's all I'm sayin'...



  1. Yeah. Phoenix Jones is the real deal.

    Plus, duel laws in Washington, huh? Nice!

  2. Plus, I can tell you why he didn't fight that guy's "bro".

    A superhero kicking one dude's ass makes him look hard. Kicking his whole posse's ass makes him look like a bully with something to prove.

    Obviously I don't know what's in Phoenix Jones' head, but I figure that's his reasoning. I think he really wants to do good; be a hero, not just a vigilante.

  3. I agree. Although no one would hold it against him if he stomped that dude. What a mark...

    But yeah, that Mutual Combatant law SCREAMS your comics.

  4. yessssssssss

    love the comic. :)

  5. Yeah man don't roll up on a swole cat with a mask walking the street. Still, I would have liked to see that second dude get snuck. I wonder how often cops laugh at stuff like this.

  6. @Ross- Thanks!

    @Steelo- I would LOVE to seen that as well...
