PROCESS VIDEO- Kenjji draws The Brother

As you may know, I'm (slowly) doing the art on a book called The Brother about a super-powerful African time-traveler, written by Jay Kelley. When he approached me to do it, I immediately thought to myself (after "thank you God for this gig!") "That one dude Kenjji should be drawing this..." So, I'm pleased to see that Jay tapped Kenjji to do this illustration! Here's some process video on this illustration...

I couldn't find the full illustration in color. Maybe he didn't post it yet? I'll update with that when I get it... for now, Here's another drawing video he had on Facebook featuring the Brother...

another drawing of The Brother by Kenjji
"The Brother is a paradoxical entity..." Kenjji says.  "An African time traveler who's origin is unknown. A mortal who possesses superhuman will. A pacificist who deals in bloodshed. Woe be to evildoers who crosses his path. Death and destruction awaits them"
I'm a huge fan of Kenjji's, so it's inspiring (and a little intimidating) to see him him illustrating a character I'm developing. Just makes me want to try harder!  
Anyways, expect more updates about The Brother soon... For now, click here to peep the artwork I've done so far, and click here to follow The Brother on Facebook!
have a great day!