Felipe Smith and Tradd Moore BOTH drew covers for their new "Ghost Rider" debut

 So we are pretty psyched for the new Ghost Rider comic written by the mighty Felipe Smith, but we aint forgot he's got mad drawing chops, too! He pulled out a new style for this variant cover, and it looks pretty dope. For more fire, peep the regular cover by series artist Tradd Moore (Luther Strode) below...

Good stuff. All-New Ghost Rider debuts in 2014. Stay tuned...

Samax Amen is a full-time freelance cartoonist, illustrator and self-publisher who is trying not to waste so much time on the internet. It's a work in progress... GhettoManga.com


  1. Very excited about thraad moore working on this.

  2. Yeah, he's dope! I hope they go full retarded on the violence.
