MISTY KNIGHT is looking good in this DAREDEVIL: DARK NIGHTS preview!

Amanda Connor and Paul Mounts KILT this cover to Daredevil: Dark Nights #6 which features Matt Murdoch side-by-side with my homegirl Misty Knight! The interiors aren't bad, either...

This cat they got on art, Thony Silas (Rage: Bane of Demons, Spider-Man: Ends Of The Earth, Venom: Devil's Pack), is pretty good. I like the way he drew Misty Knight too, but Amada Conner did some interesting things with that cyborg arm. Anyways, Daredevil: Dark Nights #6 hits stores November 6th, so be on the lookout for that.


  1. "Hey Sugar"??? Is that how they have her speaking these days? Does this story take place in 2013 or 1974?

  2. LOL! You know this is Marvel! They don't know any black people!
    "Black women call everybody Sugar, don't they? I watched 'Gimme a Break' growing up, so I know..."
