"Rise In Power" Mike Brown speedpaint by Dawud @Anyabwile, beats and rhymes by @DISTRAKT

The mighty Dawud Anyabwile (Brotherman) dropped this speedpaint video for Rise In Power, his tribute to Michael Brown on the internet over the weekend, with audio assist from Colorado-based emcee/producer DISTRAKT.
Peep the speedpaint vid and final piece below...

Okay, so just in case you were on another planet over the summer, this piece memorializes Michael Brown, the unarmed 18 year old who was gunned down by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Adding insult to fatal injury, his body was left on the street for over four hours before it was picked up. From what I can tell, the authorities did just about everything wrong in the handling of this case, unless the goal was to incite protests, rioting, etc and draw the disapproving gaze of the entire world.
“The conflict in Ferguson isn’t a one-time event, but something profound. Race relations, social inequality, a black ghetto — the fragile world that hardly held itself together through a belief in just a little bit of fairness, it seems, has finally collapsed.”
-Russian state television anchor Alexander Khristenko
Yes. They are talking shit about America's "race war" in Russia.
Anyways, in the wake of the grand jury's decision not to indict the officer who shot Mike Brown, things have only gotten worse. I'm not really up to addressing all the problems this case reveals right now. To that end, Dawud's piece is worth more than a thousand of my clumsily-composed words. And if you gotta have some words, Distrakt handled that part.

Samax Amen draws people, places and things for fun and profit. He is the artist of many great comics you never heard of like Herman Heed, Champion of Children, The Brother and The World As You Know It. He even writes and draws his own comics, like Dare: The Adventures of Darius Davidson, Spontaneous, and Manchild when he gets around to it. Because making comics is hard and stuff, he started GhettoManga as a blog in 2006 and as a print magazine in 2008. 
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