BLACK PANTHER VS JUSTICE LEAGUE!!! Wait... not really...

Yes, I clicked on this cover that has an obvious Black Panther knock-off ripping the techno-jugular out off'a the highest-ranking African-American superhero in the DC Universe fully prepared to talk about how pop-culture stays pitting black Americans against our African counterparts, but I was clearly getting ahead of myself, because Justice League's scribe PRIEST helped make BLACK PANTHER the phenom he is in the first place.  Let's jump back and preview the previous issue, then see if it helps us contextualize this one.

Sales pitch for #40
‘JUSTICE LOST’ part one! Trapped aboard the crippled Watchtower, the combined Justice League and Justice League of America teams clash over leadership and the urgent question of who can be rescued…and who will be left behind. Meanwhile, the Green Lanterns face critical choices over how to deal with the League’s two most powerful figures!

‘JUSTICE LOST’ part two! What does justice mean in a lawless world? This is the question the team must struggle with when the League finds itself trapped between warring factions, helpless refugees and mercenaries with advanced weaponry, all manipulated by Deathstroke’s frenemy the Red Lion. Meanwhile, Batman forces a showdown between himself and the League’s biggest fan.

Hmmm.  It's as I suspected: I'm gonna hafta go back and read more of Priest's run on Justice League to sort our what's going on here...  but I like it already!  I'll hit up the comic shop asap, get caught up, and get back to y'all later... because this looks like my cup of tea!

Samax Amen is a professional Content Developer, Illustrator and Cartoonist. He is the artist of many great comics you never heard of like Herman Heed, Champion of Children, The Brother and The World As You Know It. He even writes and draws his own comics, like Dare: The Adventures of Darius Davidson, Spontaneous, and Manchild when he gets around to it. Because making comics is hard and stuff, he started GhettoManga as a blog in 2006 and as a print magazine in 2008.
comics. hiphop. news. art. culture

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