Watch this promo cartoon for "Your Black Friend" by Ben Passmore

I was first exposed to the awesome cartooning of Ben Passmore via the comics-powered news magazine The Nib.  Ben's work raises the art of autobiographical comics to another level.  His deadpan voice speaks the language of the "woke" generation in comics form.  Anyways, this cartoon promo for his book Your Black Friend does an awesome job capturing the spirit of his comics whilst adding sound and motion.

In case it matters to you, I support Ben's art on Patreon, and look forward to putting more money in his pockets whenever possible. CLICK HERE to order your copy of My Black Friend.

Samax Amen is a professional Content Developer, Illustrator and Cartoonist. He is the artist of many great comics you never heard of like Herman Heed, Champion of Children, The Brother and The World As You Know It. He even writes and draws his own comics, like Dare: The Adventures of Darius Davidson, Spontaneous, and Manchild when he gets around to it. Because making comics is hard and stuff, he started GhettoManga as a blog in 2006 and as a print magazine in 2008.
comics. hiphop. news. art. culture

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  1. pinch_back11:58 PM CDT

    This is fantastic. Been trying to do my own autobiographical strips for awhile in a similar style; it really is an artform to find the right voice and be succinct, yet poignant in that format so I'm always looking for examples of folks that do it really well with this kind of subject matter. There aren't too many cartoonists of color to model after, so this is a God send, thanks for sharing!

  2. No problem! You should definitely follow Ben on Patreon. His work is brilliant!

    I totally agree about the difficulty of autobio comics. I have tried it and found it hard.
