115 Pages of Unrelenting Horror by Josh Boulet

My man Josh Boulet (The Green Reefer) has been working on this true school horror comic The Wrong Night in Texas for about five years and now it's finally done! As a friend and admirer of Josh's work, I'm proud to present you with this whopping 10 page preview! You can get this 115 page book delivered right to your door for a modest $15 (includes shipping!), so if you like seeing people who talk trash get their guts ripped out, this is a recession-proof treat for you! while you're getting your preview on, go ahead and cop that joint!


  1. NICE! I bet he didn't even pencil it

  2. I'ma hafta cop that joint! props to that dude JB!

  3. no problem, Josh. Great work homie!
