better late than never (i guess)...

Where Do You Want It Baby by samax...  
okay, so I've posted this everywhere else, I might as well post it here... the thing about this piece is that i REALLY like it, and it got a lot of love on DeviantArt, but then I took it to Underground a few weeks ago, and nobody seemed to like it. That bummed me out, so I never posted it here. It's a weird feeling to like a piece so much and for the public to be underwhelmed by it.
Anyways, I made an ad out of it that will appear in the new Rachel Rage compilation, and will probably use it for fliers and stickers, too. I'm thinking about doing a one-man show later on in the year, and if that pops off, there will definitely be a large format vinyl print of this there.
well that's enough of that... if anybody wants a print, get at me.


  1. They didn't like it? I'd be interested to hear the criticisms of it.

    My only criticism is that, since you've employed some very dramatic cropping, an integral border might be in order to make the cropping seem more specific.

    The only other thing is a total nitpick that isn't worth mentioning and might come down to style.

  2. Hmmm... This piece feels like the evolution of Kyle Baker. LOL

    The love you get among your peers and what you get around strangers in the game can be frustrating at times, but like you said before, you gotta know your audience.

    I love it myself! I'd rock with my plate of green eggs and ham!

  3. I happen to like it, too.

    As an advertisement, it has a certain tone that fits (I think) with a RR reader and content. Maybe that's what the piece was destined to become.

  4. thanks, guys. I have my theories...

    I think people want me to do what THEY want me to do, and I wanna do what I wanna do, and the two don't always meet.


    I'm much happier doing what I want and finding the audience for it than trying to make people happy.

  5. True!

    That's one of the reasons I dig your stuff.
