The Unknown Soldier is Dead...

Vee broke my heart yesterday when he emailed me with the news that DC/Vertigo's awesome horror/action comic Unknown Soldier has been canceled. I didn't want to believe it... ever since Vee put me onto it, Unknown Soldier has been one of the comics that I was most excited to read whenever I got it home from the comic shop.

But I had to believe it when I checked the DeviantArt gallery of Unknown Soldier cover artist Dave Johnson and saw what he lists as the "Final Unknown Soldier Cover"... I never could bring myself to read the article Vee sent me, but you can read it here. I'm used to the comics I like getting canceled, but this one hit me hard... Where ELSE am I gonna read a comic about a brilliant African doctor turned brutal masked revolutionary killing machine? To read my previous posts about Unknown Soldier, click here, while I go throw a tantrum...
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