new Savage Dragon drawing

Remain Silent by Samax Amen
greetings, fam. I drew this picture of Erik Larsen's green super cop Savage Dragon last night while I was watching Boardwalk Empire with the missus. I sketched it lightly with a color pencil, then "inked" it with a watercolor marker and a blast of photoshop. I haven't read Savage Dragon in a long time, but I have alwasys loved the character...
anyways, I'm really happy with how this turned out, an I hope you like it!


  1. Tight Savage Dragon!

  2. That is great. I love the manga-style halftone shading.

    I just got a hold of some Maxon rub-on halftone film. For that real old school look and feel.

  3. pretty dope... i just met the man saturday. got a quick dragon drawing in my sketch book

  4. Thanks guys!
    @ Arkonbey- I've never used the rub on kind! need to try that!

    @ Killa- was that at NYCC? I want to check that show out someday!
