In Stores NOW- "GODZILLA: HALF CENTURY WAR" by James Stokoe!

In case you didn't know (or you forgot, like me), the first issue of James  Stokoe's Godzilla: Half-Century War mini-series came out this week. Peep the 8 page preview below...

Here's the Sales Pitch:
Introducing a new and exciting look at Godzilla's reign of destruction, courtesy of Orc Stain creator James Stokoe! The year is 1954 and Lieutnant Ota Murakami is on hand when Godzilla makes first landfall in Japan. Along with his pal Kentaro, Ota makes a desperate gamble to save lives... and in the process begins an obsession with the King of the Monsters that lasts fifty years! Don't miss the first decade in a tale of a lifetime!

If you were wondering what I was excited about this week. Here it is! I haven't been buying a lot of new comics, because my comicshop has had tons of graphic novels on sale for mad cheap. Cheap is good. I've been spending more than I should on that, so I really intended to avoid the comic shop this week. There goes that plan... I'm out the door now to pick this up... meanwhile, you can click here for more gushing about Stokoe if you are so inclined.



  1. Wow. Just: Wow.

    Did Stokoe undergo surgery for repetitive motion disorder when he was done drawing that mag? I mean the detail is crazy!

    I do wonder, though: Is this Godzilla bigger than the original movie one? It looks almost too huge.

  2. LOL! Maybe! I can't remember the last time I actually WATCHED a Godzilla movie.

    Stokoe is nuts, obviously! He got this job because he drew that "World War G" short JUST FOR FUN!!!!
