(Romeo & Juliet) + Samurai sword warfare + hip hop = Ron Wimberly's "Prince of Cats"

I should really be drawing right now. So of course, I am sitting here sweating Prince of Cats, the upcoming hip hop remix of a that hoary olde Shakesperean classic Romeo & Juliet by the bard of the bristol boards Ron Wimberly (known the world over as D-Pi). Since I am not quite important enough to get DC/Vertigo's press releases sent to me directly, I just ripped some art off Wimberly's Tumblr, cuz that's how the eff I roll...

D-Pi will write and draw Prince of Cats, stripping Romeo & Juliet down to its most basic of basic components, transporting it through time and space to land it on the planet Brooklyn, while still holding on to the rhythmic iambic pentameter flow that the original was written in. It's all very reminiscent of hip hop. Wimberly is chopping up samples from another medium and making a concept record out of it like DOOM, Madlib, or OhNo are known to. Fresh on SO many levels.
Keeps me up late banging on my keyboard... Last I heard, Prince of Cats was dropping in September. When I have more news, I'll pass it along.



  1. Anonymous12:14 PM CDT

    Don't sweat getting DC's press release. Next time holler at me personally, brother.
