#nowPlaying "Ancient Tongue" by Pruven

I got an invitation on Twitter to review an album called Designed Growth Destiny by Connecticut-based emcee Pruven. Before responding, I decided to look into him a little bit, to make sure his music wasn't garbage. [That sounded harsh... but I get a lot of music submissions, and a lot of them... well, y'know...] I found this EP called Ancient Tongue on bandcamp. Here's my two cents...

Pruven has a golden-era love of wordplay and embedded esoterica that appeals to an unrepentant backpacker like me. His music does not reach out and grab you, but invites you over to build and destroy over drinks or smoke, and makes you feel welcome. Although I'm sure Pruven is more interested in sharing ideas and sparking an interest in ancient wisdom, sometimes the cadence of his delivery is the strength of his songs. At least, that is my impression from listening to Ancient Tongue, which gets stronger from one song to the next. I'm not sure if that's by design, or if it just takes a song or two to acclimate to what Pruven is doing. Either way, good stuff.
 Anyways, I imagine I will get to hear his new album Designed Growth Destiny soon. I'll try to write a more in-depth review of that one when I have time, but if you liked Ancient Tongue you can just go ahead and cop the new album on CD Baby, iTunes, Underground Hip Hop or bandcamp. He also has two albums out on Nasa's Uncommon Records label, so click here to check for those.

have a nice day...

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