I just completed the steps to enter to win this sweet poster from Dream Fury Comics... It's a crossover between their awesome webcomic CRESCENT CITY MONSTERS and some guy called the Black Panther (maybe you've heard of him?).
But I'm getting ahead of myself...

I suppose that this gorgeous art by Gian Carlo B Bernal might not be enough to win you over on its own.  So lets get familiar with CRESCENT CITY MONSTERS real quick.
This fast-paced dark fantasy is the flagship title of Dream Fury Comics, and the brainchild of series writer Newton Lilavois.  The story revolves around Jonas, a gifted young rocker with skills and connections in both the musical and the mystic arenas, and an inclination to use them.     CCM  takes place in Civil Rights Era New Orleans, and takes visible pains to portray the flavor of the location and the era.

Gian Carlo B Bernal's visual storytelling is top notch.  Lilavois's  script is light-handed, giving the artist opportunity to shine, and Bernal doesn't disappoint.  His command of lighting. detailed drawing, and composition gives him the kind of mood control that a period horror fantasy calls for, and he has a sensitivity for drawing black people that is still pretty uncommon.
In this scene, Jonas's band comes off a particularly strong set to be greeted by throngs of groupies.  You see a character-building scene, and I see backgrounds, cars, and black men and women with different hairstyles.  Sweet.  Whenever this comic is printed, I hope they use the nice glossy paper.  Bernal uses grayscale as effectively I've ever seen it.  He masterfully controls the eye and the mood throughout the scenes.  Under his hand, the grayscale art is so good, you don't miss the color.  Crappy paper will take away that advantage, so hopefully they get the good stuff when they print.  While they're at it, the folks at Dream Fury need to chain Bernal to a desk or something, and make sure to keep him happy.  After reading the pages 20-odd pages on the site, I am eager to see more of Crescent City Monsters, thanks to the sharp artwork and unique blend of genre, setting, and characters.

Anyways, I said ALLLL that to say, that Crescent City Monsters is a dope indie comic, and you'd be lucky to land some art by Bernal.  And since it's the Year of the Panther, you should definitely enter to win this CCM/Black Panther poster!

Here's how:
First thing you wanna do is sign up for Dream Fury Comics' email updates.

Then go ahead and follow these instructions
  1. Go to the Dream Fury Comics Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DreamFuryComics/
  2. Find the latest post that has the #CrescentCityMonsters hashtag
  3. Like, Comment, AND Share that post that has the #CrescentCityMonsters hashtag. NOTE: When you share the post please make sure it's a PUBLIC share. Otherwise, they won't be able to see that you shared the post.
Easy.  Like I said, I already entered, but I'm happy to spread the word, because this is an awesome comic!  Once you complete your entry, go ahead and CLICK HERE to read CRESCENT CITY MONSTERS for yourself.

"some AX"

Samax Amen is a professional Content Developer, Illustrator and Cartoonist. He is the artist of many great comics you never heard of like Herman Heed, Champion of Children, The Brother and The World As You Know It. He even writes and draws his own comics, like Dare: The Adventures of Darius Davidson, Spontaneous, and Manchild when he gets around to it. Because making comics is hard and stuff, he started GhettoManga as a blog in 2006 and as a print magazine in 2008.

comics. hiphop. news. art. culture

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