i'm happy to announce that the next issue of
ghettoManga Quarterly will have a sweet article featuring everybody's favorite supervillain, the mighty MF DOOM! to commemorate this joyous occasion, i've decided to run an
MF DOOM ART CONTEST!as if drawing a nice pic of the villain wasn't it's own reward,
The top 5 vote getters will be featured in the magazine AND
receive a FREE copy so's they can brag to their people about being published in the ILLEST rag anywhere! out of those five,
i'll pick the best one and break them off $100 cash and put their piece on the COVER!yeah, that's DOLLARS, not pesos, so get your pencils sharpened up, cuz
that dude goldi Gold already sent in SupermuthaphuckinVillain (seen above)! enter as many times as you like to improve your chances of winning... send your artwork to
deadline to enter is June 15. it's gotta be 8.5 x 11 300 dpi to be eligible, but color or black and white will do. and don't just copy a picture (that's wack!)... please remember to put GHETTOMANGA MF DOOM ART CONTEST on your email subject line! payout will be done with paypal, so if you don't have a paypal account,
get one (it's free dude!) anyways, i'll post the entries as i get 'em in. if there's any questions, let me know!