Become a Sponsor!

promo from our Luke Cage Tribute issue...
We welcome businesses, publishers, and other sponsors to support the publication of GhettoManga. We offer sponsors space in our magazine, comics* and on our websites. Check out the breakdown of prices below:
Sponsor space is available in each issue of GhettoManga Quarterly magazine! Be advised that print space is limited, so first come, first served. NEW! All sponsors at the Full Page level and up receive a FREE 4 issue subscription!
$300 for the back cover
$200 for an inside cover (front or back)
$100 for full page ad
$55 for half page ad
$30 for quarter page ad

Print Ad Options

*These prices also apply for space in our comics, and direct mail newsletters, when applicable.
We also offer sponsors space on the blog at Space is $30 per month, or pre-order 3 months for $60. For a limited time, you'll also receive an ad on our Facebook page (1,017 fans and counting) for the duration at no extra charge.

Web Options
This option will get you a full-page ad in the magazine and 3 months on the website for $150. For a limited time, you'll also receive an ad on our Facebook page (1,017 fans and counting) for the duration at no extra charge.
Print & Web Combo

If you have any questions just get at me at

PS- if you just want to donate to the cause of spreading the message of fly junk, click here!

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