i know it's St.Patrick's day and i should put up a post about leprechauns, green garments and getting drunk off my behind, but if you thought that was gonna happen here, you don't know me very well...
'cause all i can think about is that
robed terrorist guy on the loose, who periodically addresses the people with recorded messages directed at our corrupt government, then blows somethin' up...
nah, it ain't Osama, it's codename V from the long-awaited V FOR VENDETTA, the new film from THE WACHOWSKI BROTHERS (they worked on something called
The Matrix, whatever that is...) adapting the critically acclaimed graphic novel
written by british comics-god Alan Moore (watchmen, swamp thing, america's best comics) in the 80's.
it was waaay outta my range when he wrote it back then, but when i saw the first trailer for the film version last year, i posted up in borders and read it... and
i was blown away! this film is hitting the world at a time that it will be even more timely than the story was when
Moore wrote it during the Reagan regime... er um, administration.
Anyways, it will be interesting to see
a) if they were ballsey enough to keep the story (which i found shocking, considering today's political climate...) for a big budget film and
b) how audiences will react to it if they do!

A veteran of comics who is highly revered in a medium that already tends to worship its greats, has had several works made into films
(League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and From Hell), and who has at least one more in the pipe (his most highly read and perhaps his most venerated work,
the deconstructionist superhero masterpiece, Watchmen),
Moore hasn't been very enthusiastic about the adaptations of his works in the past, and this looks to be no different.
at any rate, i'm interested to see a work of his that i really like remade by fans (the wachowskis are unrepentant comics geeks: they actually started their own comic book company!).
V For Vendetta opens tonight... me and Khalid are gonna go catch a matinee tomorrow, i'll let you know what i thought.
ya'll be careful out there...