Now Playing At GhettoManga HQ - FLY MC by Special Ed


I couldn't get the words from Special Ed's super dope story-telling jam FLY MC out of my mind all day, so I'm writing this to help me get through it.
Ed opens up in true school hip hop fashion:
"I hold the fly microphone in the fly right hand
I'm a real fly guy. Better yet, fly man
The title that I hold is the Fly MC.
Why? 'Cause I'm Fly, yeah that's me.
You see, I'm flyer than a flier to a hip hop jam,
I can even fly higher than a plane from Pan Am
Flew, took a flight, yes to France in the Fall
They be crying when I'm flying, cause I'm flyer than them all
Went to France because I was bored
So I took a flight over on the Fly Concorde
On arrival I was greeted by the King of France,
The Queen, and a band playing 'Pomp and Circumstance'..."

That's just the beginning of an unforgettable tale of sex, violence, and hip hop worthy of the Bard himself.

CLICK HERE to listen to the whole album Youngest In Charge on YouTube right now.

I feel much better now!
____________________ A M E N
G h e t t o M a n g a D o t c o m
   comics | HipHop | news | culture


Beckys Bucketlist said...

I eenjoyed reading this

Jack said...

This blog post made me want to listen to the album Youngest In Charge.

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